Mycelium and Mushrooms

This is a forum to discuss the recreational use of Amanita Muscaria. Amanita Muscaria is an incredibly potent mushroom and has many properties which directly effect the human metabolism, the impact of which remains unclear. As a result we cannot endorse the use of Amanita Muscaria in a recreational or any other fashion, however provide this forum in the spirit of public education and harm reduction.
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Mycelium and Mushrooms

Post by Baz » Wed Nov 16, 2022 11:41 pm

My hobby laden life has added mushroom growing to the list of my many things.

And I am also inspired and really appreciating my explorations and journeys with Amanita.

My question is, has anyone tried to propagate Amanita mycelium in a liquid culture and to make use of that liquid for use?

Who would be a good person to explore this thought with?

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