Amanita Pantherina

A place for discussing casual and recreational use of Amanita Muscaria.
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Amanita Pantherina

Post by moxillimus » Mon Nov 29, 2021 1:45 am

hello, just tried a Dry 8g dose Amanita Pantherina from a provider listed on the Amanitadreamer website. I prepared it by boiling/simmering for 20 minutes, I then added about half a lemon juice sqeeze bottle, you know the one shaped like a lemon. I had no nausea or vomiting. Felt the need to lay down about an hour after ingesting. Woke up and I couldn't walk, but otherwise was pleasant. The best way to describe the sensation is that it felt as if i was anticipating a step down that did not occur, it felt like I was "tripping" but in the most literal sense of the word. Thoughts were running superfast. I could not hold on to anything. I still feel like I'm spazzing randomly, my hand will just act on it's own volition like parkinsons or something. Some time dilation present, but not the focus of this experience. No recreational value at the dose that I took. I could see how it might be usable at a lower dose without the neurological side effects. Perhaps a much higher dose would induce visual hallucinations?

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