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Need general idea of what a microdose is

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 10:59 pm
by didgerishroom

Hi all, yesterday I posted in the general discussion forum about how I was trying to dry some amanita persicina using Damp Rid and how I don't have a fridge or freezer so I'm looking to make a tincture. Well now I realize I posted in the wrong forum, so I'm posting to this one. Also, I just opened my cheap tupperware container which doesn't seem to be getting enough of a seal and noticed that my chopped up amanitas are not drying as quickly as I'd hoped (I live in a van and don't have an oven) and also noticed that the Damp Rid I got is scented. I don't want to leave the amanitas any longer absorbing that scent and would just like to skip the drying step and go straight to boiling, straining, tossing in juice of a lime, continuing to simmer the concoction down to a small quantity and then add enough vodka or rum to get the alcohol to 20% for non-refrigerated tincture preservation. Problem is, after watching all the amanita dreamer videos and cruising around on this forum and on the internet generally, I am still left confused about what constitutes even the general range of a microdose either in grams or in quantity of amanita. I don't have a scale. But I have chopped up three healthy sized amanita persicinas (one with a 3.5-4" flat cap and the other two with about a 2" cap that still hadn't fully flattened). I know there is a lot of variation, but just can someone give me a generic idea (a range) of how many microdoses three healthy sized amanita persicinas might contain (caps and stipes)? Since this isn't the dried 15 grams like in the videos, I'm not sure how much water to add either. As far as how much alcohol to add after reducing down the final tea, I guess I just need a measuring cup and calculator to figure out how much rum or vodka to add to get it to about 20% ABV. But then, again, I will have no idea at that point how much of my tincture qualifies as a microdose. If I can get a broad idea of a range of how many microdoses three healthy amanitas might contain, then I can just divide up my tincture into that many doses and start at the low end of the range. Any input greatly appreciated!Image

Re: Need general idea of what a microdose is

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 2:48 am
by didgerishroom
After seeing Shamanicdreamer's response to my other post, and for simplicity, I'm not going to try and make the tincture. But I did remove the amanita from the container with the Damp Rid. I hope the Damp Rid fragrance comes out of the mushroom pieces. How did I not notice that I had bought the version with added fragrance?! I've used fragrance-free Damp Rid in the past to successfully dehydrate cubensis. Anyway, after taking them out of the tupperware, I see that they have actually lost a lot of water. I've got them finishing drying in front of a little space heater.

So really the only question I have left is: What is the volume-to-weight correspondence when it comes to this standardized tea of 15g amanita + 1 cup water? Ie, about how many cups would 15g of dried amanita, on average, fill, if it were diced into small bits? With that, once they are fully dry, I can estimate about how many grams of amanita I might have between my 4 amanita that I gathered on the Florida Trail (earlier I misspoke and said I had 3, but I forgot the decent sized button that was just piercing the veil and had peach showing through). Since I'm microdosing, and since it is not exact anyway as far as feeling out appropriate dose, I don't really see the point of getting a scale yet if it can be eyeballed. If I get into this and really start finding them or buying them, maybe I'll get a scale, but I just stumbled upon these while thru-hiking and maybe I don't find them again for sometime but meanwhile managed to give Bezos some more of my hard-earned money for a scale I used once and now occupies precious space in my van. I will say, finding these amanitas seemed meant to be since I was recently reading a little about their history in the founding of Mormomism and, knowing a bit about their history with humanity, have kind of had it on my bucket list of things to try when the time is right. Maybe a kind of christmas present, appropriately enough.

Re: Need general idea of what a microdose is

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:17 pm
by didgerishroom
Well I went ahead and ordered a scale. Meanwhile, here's my latest thinking: Since I have no fridge or freezer, it is impractical to boil all of them in one go because then I have no way to store the tea. Boiling each microdose at a time also seems impractical. What I think I'll do is, once they are fully dry, rehydrate them with lemon juice and then dry them out again. When they are mostly dry I will expose them to the requisite heat over my little camping stove for a good half hour. For that I'll make a little impromptu wire rack that goes in the pot and set the mushroom pieces on the rack off the bottom of the pot so they don't burn. I can point my laser thermometer that I once got for checking engine overheating problems at the mushroom pieces to make sure they are at a good temperature. I know I won't get any of the ibotenic acid conversion that comes from boiling, but I will from heat and citric acid. Then I can store my dried pieces long term.

Re: Need general idea of what a microdose is

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:25 pm
by Lammas
It's probably not the ideal scenario, but have you considered, in your situation, grinding your dry amanitas up to normalize them and then using a specific small measure in a tea, with lemon teck, each time you need to microdose ?

As an educated guess, from the size of your mushroom haul, you're looking at 2.5 g, maybe 3g of dry (please don't quote me on this) After working out the figures, this should give about 9 to 15 microdoses. depending on strength. It's all about experimentation to see what size of dose fits your microdose. Start small until you feel the level.

I feel your plight as a part time van dweller. Space is a premium and unnecessary paraphernalia stays out!

Just another idea to play around with.