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Amanita Pantherina, aka, Panther Cap

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 4:57 am
by Rebis
I have competition from others where I collect my Amanita Muscaria. I see the evidence of discarded stipes.
This is a problem for me, for it leaves very few for me to gather.

But, the area has an abundance of Amanita Pantherinas , also known as Panther Caps, which are left alone and not picked by the competition.
I've read they have the same chemistry as the Muscarias.
Has anyone tried these Pantherinas?


Re: Amanita Pantherina, aka, Panther Cap

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 8:36 am
by UrsusSapiens
I haven't tried them myself (yet), but I know from H-G- Schaaf in Hamburg that
whatever the fly agaric promises, the panther cap delivers...
as he puts it... ;)
According to him (and he knows his stuff - he sells fly agaric products in his shop), the panther cap can be treated just as the AM, but be more cautious with dosage. It's up to 8 times more potent than the "average" AM. And also, the AM has a better taste (if you want to use the mushroom in this way) than the AP.

Re: Amanita Pantherina, aka, Panther Cap

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 6:56 pm
by Icucmyclieum
Hey Rebis,

I’ve found quite a few Pantherina too where I am
in the UK, also wondered the same, my competition is deer and slugs though, 🤨 whereabouts are you located?

Re: Amanita Pantherina, aka, Panther Cap

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 12:19 am
by Rebis
Icucmyclieum wrote:
Tue Nov 12, 2019 6:56 pm
Hey Rebis,

I’ve found quite a few Pantherina too where I am
in the UK, also wondered the same, my competition is deer and slugs though, 🤨 whereabouts are you located?
I don't want to say - you might be my competition. :lol:


Re: Amanita Pantherina, aka, Panther Cap

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 12:32 am
by Rebis
UrsusSapiens wrote:
Tue Nov 12, 2019 8:36 am
I haven't tried them myself (yet), but I know from H-G- Schaaf in Hamburg that
whatever the fly agaric promises, the panther cap delivers...
as he puts it... ;)
According to him (and he knows his stuff - he sells fly agaric products in his shop), the panther cap can be treated just as the AM, but be more cautious with dosage. It's up to 8 times more potent than the "average" AM. And also, the AM has a better taste (if you want to use the mushroom in this way) than the AP.
That sound very interesting, Ursus.
Does H-G-Schaaf have a blog, or something?
I'll be extra careful then, especially with gathering, for I don't want to pick the wrong ones.
And, I'll try Muscarias first though. Just so I know what the effects are like - not having taken any before.

About the micro gram scales you mentioned, would an electronic one be okay, or would you recommend a mechanical balance?


Re: Amanita Pantherina, aka, Panther Cap

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 7:31 am
by Icucmyclieum
Oh no I’m not like that I was just being friendly.

Just wondered roughly where in the Uk that was all.

Re: Amanita Pantherina, aka, Panther Cap

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 7:56 pm
by Rebis
Icucmyclieum wrote:
Fri Nov 15, 2019 7:31 am
Oh no I’m not like that I was just being friendly.

Just wondered roughly where in the Uk that was all.
I know you were. I was just joking; hence the ' :lol: '.
Generally though I'm a bit cautious about giving away my whereabouts, because taking any form of psychoactive substance is frowned upon by the authorities, and since 2016 it is illegal to buy or sell psychoactive substances in the UK, and Amanita muscaria falls under that category, I believe. Not that I'm buying or selling, just picking for my own consumption.


Re: Amanita Pantherina, aka, Panther Cap

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 11:30 pm
by Aquavitae
I´ve tried A. pantherina 3 times, more than ten years ago. One small piece of dried cap each time, boiled for more than twenty minutes in spring water.

Felt general physical discomfort. Much more "electric" at nervous system level as many people report. Kind of "feline spirit" fierce feeling. Weird paranoid feelings about liver health concerns. From those experiences also learned that having beer or any carbonated drinks the same day is not advisable. Don Teeter from the Ambrosia Society also mentions that in regards to AM interactions, I found later.

Never picked any panthers since then. Prefer the fly agarics.

If I were to pick them again, I would make a tincture:

1 Cold dry caps

2 Heat them in the oven at 75 Celsius degrees for 20-30 minutes

3 Break them into pieces, not powder, into a glass jar

4 Cover the content of the jar with non denatured 70% ethilic alcohol

5 Let the jar sit and the content macerate in dark cool place for 3-6 months

6 Double boil the opened jar and its contents in gentle heat for volume reduction and water soluble compunds extraction, for 1 hour

7 Filter, bottle and store in cool dark place

If I made this tincture I would only put ONE drop under my tongue and start very cautiously from there.

Re: Amanita Pantherina, aka, Panther Cap

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 5:57 am
by Tylerstreetbarber

This is what Paul Stamets thinks on the subject.

Re: Amanita Pantherina, aka, Panther Cap

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 8:29 am
by Splinters and Shards
The panther cap is by far my favorite Amanita. Its taste is a lot like potatoes. Raw it tastes like raw potatoes, cooked or dried it tastes like potato chips. Like most Amanitas, the flavor is very meaty when triple-boiled (change water after each 15 min boil). If eating for its effects, it has a very strong and sometimes unpleasant aftertaste that is quite chemical and always makes me feel uneasy even after having consumed at least 4 oz dried and at least a pound fresh over the course of 2 years.

It is great for making tinctures and salves as it takes very little to be effective. Just a drop of tincture or a dab of salve per application is more than enough for pain, chillblains, bruises, minor infections, warts, etc. I normally will take about 1/5th the dose of Pantherina compared to Muscaria. I also like Panther caps and Regalis over Muscaria when taking high doses because I do not excessively salivate and the muscle spasms are less intense.

Do be careful because I've had wildly variable experiences from mushroom to mushroom, more so than with Muscaria. Some have been similar to Muscaria, with some being much more potent. The most potent panther cap experience I had was taking a 3 gram dose (dried) that ended up taking me past my memory threshold. I walked around the house peeing into doorways for hours and woke up without any memory of the event. 14 grams of a typical batch of dried Muscaria is my normal memory threshold. Be very careful with dosing. I suggest that whatever you do, make up a large batch using as many specimens as you can so your dosing will be consistent within that batch.

I usually do a large batch of tincture. I've found that a jar filled with 40% ethanol (80 proof) up to the level of the mushrooms is a good and easy method. If using dried and cured mushrooms, I'll start using the tincture the next day. If using fresh, I store it in a cool, dark place for a month before using. I store them long-term in amber glass dropper bottles in a medicine cabinet.

For an average (chances are any individual mushroom you do find will be less or more, so a large amount of caps chopped and mixed together is a good idea to even out the variance) dried panther cap, I find the doses to be much smaller than Muscaria. 1 to 2 grams will either make me very sleepy or very active, sometimes both (active and then sleepy or very active after a nap). I wouldn't go higher than this without a competent and trusted trip-sitter. 2 to 3 grams usually gives me a feeling of extreme power or makes me very tired but physically stronger than normal. 3 to 4 grams is either extremely euphoric or happily sleepy. My physical strength, endurance, and pain tolerance are pretty much at their peak without mental cloudiness (there is definitely a change in perception, though) or hallucinations. Muscle spasms usually start at this point.

4 to 5 grams is usually when I start feeling minor hallucinatory effects including seeing things that aren't there, perceiving time in a non-linear fashion, hearing voices or music in my head, the feeling of hands on me or being touched by nothing, and the sensation of flying or being lifted out of the body. Lights seem to flicker at this point. If I do get sleepy, I'll usually have a vivid vision, usually one with a theme of fire or of flying. Muscaria usually gives more interesting and detailed visions/dreams in my experience. I've had some pretty violent muscle spasms at regular intervals (slightly longer than the time between heartbeats) in this range. Extreme physical strength, a sensation of feeling like a giant, and sometimes a cyclical fixation on something (or the repetition of something like walking the same path around the house fifty or more times) are all things that can happen at this level.

5 to 6 grams is usually my memory threshold for panthers. It is vitally important to have a trip sitter who is calm enough and physically strong enough to keep you safe when going this far. At this point I act like a sleep-walker, but with superhuman strength and a tendency to speak very loudly and unintelligibly. Urinating on everything, over-twisting doorknobs, and walking into walls (and nearly through drywall) is common at this point. I don't remember anything and usually feel very refreshed the next day. Never go this far alone, but keep in mind that this can happen even at low doses of a particularly potent panther.

Sometimes I will eat them fresh, but usually no more than a small bite. This is something I've gained a feel for and do not suggest someone starting out try this method. Too much and you will feel like you're dying and trying to throw up your own guts.

I weigh 165 lbs, so keep in mind that if you weigh less your doses need to be lower. Theoretically, a heavier person would need a higher dose but always err on the side of caution. I also do not take high doses anymore, only tinctures in low doses. I am very happy where I am now, but I have used this and other Amanitas to help get over a lot of physical and mental problems.

I hope this helps!