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tolerance when microdosing

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:30 pm
by rvf-
Apologies if the answer to this is elsewhere but I couldn't find it -

I am trying to determine the dosage for a microdose - I followed the instructions you gave on your YouTube video amanitadreamer (thank you!) - I have tried a quarter of a teaspoon as my initial microdose (with a squirt of lemon juice and a little warm water) but with no effect whatsoever - I know the effects are supposed to be sub-perceptual (I have been microdosing psilocybin) - and that each batch I cook up may be of different strengths - but I think I need to a increase the dose (from this batch) to maybe half a teaspoon -

My question(s) is (are): How soon can I do this??
-Will I have built up some tolerance by tomorrow so that half a teaspoon would have less of an effect than it would have had today?
-How long does it take to re-set back to (or near abouts) the starting position?

Thanks in advance for your answers!

Re: tolerance when microdosing

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 1:12 am
by asunnyday
I noticed you didn't get any replies. How ae you doing?
I started microdosing three days ago, along with some family members.
I made the tea exactly to Amanita Dreame's microdosing recipe, and ended up with a little less then a cup full (after the mushrooms absorbed some of the liquid).
I took 1/4 tsp the first night, then 1/2 the second night. On the second night, I had also been preparing another lot of beautiful little treasures for the dehydrator, so I may have already absorbed some extra through my skin.
I woke up heady, with a bit of a hangover that passed as the day progressed.
My sister also took 1/2 tsp that night, with no noticeable effects.
I decided we should all be patient and take 1/4 tsp every 3 days, my parents included, but my mother said she still hadn't felt anything (after two nights of 1/4 tsp) and so we all decided to take another quarter and decide after that.
So last night, day three I took 1/4 tsp.
It's morning now, and I have decided to make some tea and take 1/4 tsp.
I've decided to just trust and feel into it, day by day.
My 15 year old niece, after the first dose dreamed for the first time that she can remember.
I feel that for her 1/4 tsp or less every 3 days would be the safest. Mind you both she and her 17 year old brother have been on antidepressants in the past. I doubt that the suppressive effects of an antidepressant would induce dreams!
I feel that these little treasures may be playing a big part in the awakening of human consciousness!