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Breastfeeding safety

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 1:43 am
by BPCook
I am suggesting a micro dose regimen of amanita to my wife who is having PTSD issues from a traumatic birth experience, on top of some other ongoing anxiety issues. The drugs make everything worse. She seems amicable to the idea but is concerned about whether it is safe to do while breastfeeding. I'm fairly sure it's fine but just wanted to double check. Thanks for your help!


Re: Breastfeeding safety

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 2:08 pm
by Hasler
I say it's not safe to breast feed, at all

Re: Breastfeeding safety

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:31 pm
by tgt1002
I doubt any studies have been done so there is no way to know how or if the breast feeding child will be effected or not. I would say pick one breast feeding or microdosing.

Re: Breastfeeding safety

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 1:32 pm
by Hasler
I know Crack and Opioid's can be passed on to Baby if Breastfeeding

Re: Breastfeeding safety

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 10:55 pm
by smurfette
Hello Pat,

I have been breastfeeding and micro-dosing for about 6 months now, my child was about 1 year old when I started. I was suffering from postpartum depression, lots of anxiety, panic attacks… The mushroom has been a tremendous support in my healing process. It hasn’t been my only resource, but I’m immensely grateful for it. I’m doing a lot better now, although I still struggle with anxiety and serious fight/flight responses from time to time.

A bit about my experience: I was completely stressed out, worn out and could not properly take care of myself or my baby. A lot of arguing and fighting in the house. I honestly believe this was doing a lot more damage than drinking the tea. (micro dose) So I trusted my inner knowing and went for it. My baby used to wake wanting to nurse quite a lot at night and it would keep me up. The sleep deprivation would further induce my anxiety and vice versa. We co-sleep in the same bed. I think he senses my anxiety and needs to be reassured that he’s safe. I slept soundly the night after I first drank the tea and my baby didn't wake until early morning. Apart from that the mushroom and I have worked through quite a lot of childhood trauma with remarkable results. I now have a much better relationship with myself, which only enhances my relationship with my loved ones. I also get other positive effects such as good energy the next day, motivation, great insights, dreamwork, some giggles and laughs when I notice my thoughts are so joyful… Only once I felt slightly agitated, so I decided to relax in nature. It worked. I also decreased my dosage a little for the next tea.

I believe that if I use this medicine respectfully, backed by the ancient knowledge of shamans and modern scientific evidence, it will bring no harm to my baby. This plant, it's spirit, knows very well what it’s doing. It will only work where it needs to. But you have to use it responsibly! The way Amanita Dreamer teaches. Now that my baby is older and becoming less reliant on my milk, I plan on macro-dosing and eventually I would like to use larger doses as well. Gradually, while listening to my body and always taking into account my baby’s needs. I have worked with plant medicines before and deeply trust my own guidance and that of the expert facilitators (modern day shamans really) I call on.

Good luck, to you and your family. It takes a village and we are left without.

much love

Re: Breastfeeding safety

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 12:29 pm
by HunterGatherer
Hi Smurfette,

'It takes a village and we are left without.'

If you mean what I think you mean, then totally agree.
Modern societal structure/pressures have left many women and families without the 'village' they so need to help during early child rearing.

My wife has struggled, therefore we have all struggled in our house. We're both in need of some healing.

All the best to you and your little one.

Re: Breastfeeding safety

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2021 7:29 am
by Newenglandforager
100% do not breastfeed with using this substance, many substances will find their way into breastmilk, you can have it tested to see if it does, but either way you probably should NOT risk your newborn ingesting these chemicals some of which are known to be a bit neurotoxic when their brain is going through the most impactful/formative period of their life; especially if some sort of learning disability like dylexia forms later in life i reckon you'd always be questioning what if....

Re: Breastfeeding safety

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 3:16 am
by e.risk
I find it very interesting how quick some are to jump to “don’t do it, it’s unsafe!” Or even “we can’t know through Science TM that it’s safe therefore best not to.” And yet no one is batting an eye at any of the pharma drugs suggested for anxiety and PPD/PTSD. Very curious. How well ingrained it all is.

I’m also personally very interested in this topic because I am relating so hard to OP’s wife. My husband could have written this, except it’s me down the rabbit hole, doing all the research, watching all of Dreamer’s videos, and fully intent on working with this mushroom…one day. 😅

The things that give me the most pause are:
1- cosleeping. I believe that as someone else posted my son has issues with anxiety and sleep because he senses mine, but I also know that co sleeping becomes dangerous when mom is taking any sort of anything that induces sleepiness. And, well, muscumol certainly seems to fit that bill. But maybe microdosing tiny amounts will be just enough to take the edge off the anxiety (allowing my body’s exhaustion to take over and hence I will sleep) vs actually artificially just overriding the anxiety and knocking me out in spite of it (which is never restful sleep anyway, cosleeping or not.)
2- I can’t remember which video it’s in but I know that in one video somewhere Dreamer says specifically that if you’re under 25, don’t mess with this. It might have been in the context of smoking/tripping/macrodosing, in which case no problem. But if it’s true that those under 25 should avoid this all together because of the effects on neuro chemistry theeeeen I’m thinking I gotta wait because everything that’s in the bloodstream is in breastmilk.

So I’m very torn. Any updates on whether your wife tried this and what the results are?

I could not agree more with the sentiment of “it takes a village and we don’t have any anymore.” It’s heartbreaking both personally and on a large scale.

Re: Breastfeeding safety

Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 2:22 am
by AvalonTears
I am certainly not recommending anything, but my wife was suicidal with postpartum depression and I was exploring micro dosing already, and she decided she wanted to as well. She never took enough to have any external effect other than once she had a headache, so it was very mild. She did report much more vivid dreams though and the depression faded and she stopped. Our son in the other hand started sleep crawling so I’m pretty sure it affected him. He was very intelligent and coordinated for his age and he still is, so no signs of any kind of mentally detrimental affect though. Only time will tell I suppose, but considering what was at stake, we will not have any regrets no matter what happens. But other than becoming busier in his sleep, we haven’t seen any signs of any damage and I really don’t expect to either.

Re: Breastfeeding safety

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 1:24 pm
by e.risk
Thank you for sharing your story! I feel for your wife. The PPD/PPA/PTSD is so real and such a surprise for so many of us. Im glad this medicine was able to help! The more I learn about it the more I intend to try it out but safely and responsibly.