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Dreams before ever trying aminita

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 9:21 am
by chris222
Hi, my name is Chris and I am from the UK. I found out about Aminita on Friday and ordered some on Saturday. I had a dream Sunday night and it was my strangest dream yet. I am a big dreamer but do so sober. I tend to trip a few times a year on delics, other than that I am sober as one can be as I am practicing Buddhism. A small percentage of my dreams mean nothing to me and can be random but majority are not and are messages. I was dreaming and all of a sudden i astral projected (which is rare for me) and left my body floating to go to the top of the stairs as something seemed off but I was not in control and I discovered a witch creeping up my stairs, I do not think she could see me unless she was aware of me and ignored me. It lasted around 10 seconds and was so vivid. I never dream of being in my current home where I have lived the past 3 years now. The witch was dirty as if she was living in the woods, she was very dark and had black skin which I think was just dirt. She was sneaking to see me in my room and it ended. I think back and I did not get a bad feeling nor a good feeling or a evil or good Prescence, it was so strange. I have shivers telling this as I am a very spiritual person with something close to me guiding me. I never dream of witches or dark magic, nor interested in that stuff as I am trying to be the best person I can be. I mostly dream of being at a place close to me with a lost loved one. I remember one video saying when the shrooms are ordered you get dreams of them and I get a witch, I hope tonight I do not get anything dark. (wrote yesterday, intended for a youtube video)

Ok so last night my dream was I found the mushroom and consumed it and felt the effects! Wow! This is blowing my mind haha! So I was at the age I am now (26) but in my dream I was living in the house I grew up in. I was in the garden which is a very small council house with a small garden where mushrooms did not grow but in the dream they did. I was picking mushrooms and picking out the Aminita, there was a bunch of different types. Anyways I consumed one and in my dream it was a very happy drunk feeling. I have done truffles a few times before and never felt that way and I have never tried Aminita, strange right? In my dreams I never feel like happy, drunk, high or anything like that. Also In my dream there was a lot of personal stuff to do with my dad and my mams side of the family going on which I think it was the Aminita saying we know but they don't sort of thing. I hope this mushroom can help me, I am struggling pretty bad. I am very excited for the day it comes :)

I have never joined a forum and I can tell you type of guys are on a spiritual journey like me and will be nice. I do not have any friends, I have a rare disease so I never leave the house so if anyone is in a similar situation and would like a friend with similar interests then I am here :) I am very interested in different religions and the spiritual side of life. If someone reads this and not a person to speak in the forum I will recommend a book called The Fourth Way by P. D. Ouspensky.

I did try to buy the Aminita from someone on ebay but I got the name wrong and asked if was ok to cancel order. The person said do not worry I know what you are after and has sent them. The picture showed some caps but very dark of colour. I hope if I put a picture in when they come someone can tell me it is definitely the aminita as I am brand new to shrooms. I have done truffles a few times, mescaline once and aya a few times.

Thanks for reading :)

Re: Dreams before ever trying aminita

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 6:59 pm
by eucalyptus

Re: Dreams before ever trying aminita

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 9:16 am
by chris222
What do you mean friend? Something intelligent reaching me in my dreams? I will be slow and patient :) I hope things are better for you now :)

Would you say this is correct?

Hi, am I right when I say these 3 ways of taking are correct? When the delivery comes I can just snap a piece the size of a cookie and eat? I could get the same size piece and put in a bong and smoke? Those 2 ways are to experience the ibo. To experience muscomol I would simmer 15 grams in 250ml of boiling water topping up if goes down and adding a tablespoon of lemon juice for 20 mins? For the dose I would have a tablespoon and keep rest in a glass jar in the fridge? If I wanted to do some another day I would have to heat up the tea then drink or can I drink cold straight from fridge? Is it true that if I was to use the remaining of the tea left after the boil to add vodka then I can just leave it in the cupboard then consume when desire as it is? For the ratio say, tea70/30vodka? God bless you :)

Re: Dreams before ever trying aminita

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 12:13 pm
by eucalyptus

Re: Dreams before ever trying aminita

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 1:58 pm
by chris222
ah, so kind of like prescriptions for depression and anxiety. ok, i will stick to what you said. thanks for the help, have a good day :)

Re: Dreams before ever trying aminita

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 9:54 pm
by Wyldflower22
Hey friend. Let us know how you get on :) keep on keeping on .. I’ve been dreaming with Amanita too without actually injesting just a jar full by my bed for now 🍄☺️

Re: Dreams before ever trying aminita

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 7:18 am
by Padstar
I too had dreams about consuming the mushroom before I actually did, if that makes senses. They were so vivid and I felt changed when I woke up.

Since starting to work with the mushroom, very slowly at first, I've experienced a complete absence of dreams, although this is starting to fade. In fact, for the first week or so, when my evening dose put me to sleep, it felt like I'd wake in the morning after a period of "not existing", which I've personally found to be refreshing, It's like a complete absence of being which I realise is something I've wished for for for some time. All the pressures of my day to day fade into nothingness and for a short while I no longer have to experience anything.