Not getting anything from Amanita Muscaria (at least not recently)

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Not getting anything from Amanita Muscaria (at least not recently)

Post by Avery1 » Mon Oct 31, 2022 6:24 pm

Hello everyone, I came across amanita dreamer in August of this year and soon started microdosing Amanita Muscaria tincture. I then ordered some mushrooms from Siberia, but they took more than a month to arrive, so I just continued microdoising the tincture. When the Siberian AM’s arrived I made a batch with 25g and I vaccuumed sealed the other 25g. I Always immediately vacuum seal them when I get them. Because I knew the mushrooms were at least 8 months old. I simmered it as per Amanita Dreamers instructions for 20 minutes and then added enough water to bring it to one cup. I always start with a small does like an 1/8 teaspoon, wait about 20 minutes, then work my way up when doing this. It seemed weak, so I decided to process the other 25g and add it to the first batch. I processed them the same way. It still seemed weak at first. But after taking several tablespoons I started to feel anxious off and on, I felt as if a lot of my past emotional trauma starting coming up in what I was feeling, it’s a weird sensation hard to describe, but It felt heavy dark goo in my body. I remember starting to feel high, the most notable sensation was feeling a little drunk when I would walk, but nothing else. Nothing more profound came from that. I stopped because I was just trying to find my macrodose and I felt anymore and I would be tripping.

After that batch I continued microdosing tincture. I ordered 30g of mushrooms from Lithuania. I processed those in two separate batches of 15g. I started microdoing and thought I found my microdose at 3 teaspoons, but overtime I really didn’t notice much of a difference in my life. One day, I was trying to find my macrodose and I ended up taking almost the entire batch and got nothing. I tried the same with a second batch, felt nothing after going through almost all of it. I had another 30g mushrooms from Lithuania from a different store (both stores were listed on Amanita Dreamer’s website so I know they are good sources). I made a batch with 30g instead of 15. I have take more than half of it today (again, gradually worked my way up from an 1/8 tsp) and I don’t feel much of anything. All I can reason is that maybe by chance both of the mushroom batches that I bought from 2 different stores that came from Lithuania were just weak. Both sellers told me they had been freshly harvested and both batches had a really bright beautiful colour when I received them. I am going to buy more mushrooms from Siberia this time and see if that makes a difference.

Also, about year ago I went through ketamine therapy and they prescribed ketamine gummies for when I get anxious. I took one of them about a week and a half ago. I decided wouldn’t take anymore while doing AM because I was afraid it might interfere (I don’t mean at exactly the same time, I wouldn’t take amanita and something else on the same day). I thought maybe is it possible that there is ketamine left in my system and it is blocking me from experiencing the effects of AM like what happens with people the smoke cannabis (I don't smoke cannabis)? I don't know. I am also taking a glutathione supplement, I don’t know if that would have anything to do with why recently I am not getting anything, just putting that out there. I will continue to lay off the ketamine gummies, just to be sure that's not doing anything. So hopefully when I get my Siberian AM's I will feel something.
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Re: Not getting anything from Amanita Muscaria (at least not recently)

Post by justamfly » Thu Nov 17, 2022 10:47 pm

Low price amanita muscaria, free worldwide shipping. Local: Lithuania, city Jurbarkas (Europe). Sending a registered package. If you have any requests, write to the website. Thank you.

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