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10g Amanita Muscara, 45 min simmer, with lemon and lime juice trip experience

Posted: Sun May 28, 2023 11:14 am
by Dave but Dan
After simmering 30g of crispy dry Amanita Muscaria caps with the juice from a lemon and lime for 45 minutes, with enough water to leave me with 600ml of tea at the end, I drank 200 ml of the tea over 3 hours.
The tea tasted nice and I had no nausea or negative physical effects.
At some point after I'd finished the last mouthful, I felt tired and went to sleep thinking nothing was going to happen.
A couple of hours later I woke tripping. But not like any trip I've experienced on Magic mushrooms or DMT, the body effect was more like smoking Salvia, pulling me from right to left. I found my vision was sort of moving from right to left with a slight 90° rotation. I think it effected my balance and that was what was giving this effect. It was like when you're really drunk and the room won't stop spinning or when you smoke Salvia and gravity suddenly pulls you sideways.
Alongside this my thoughts we're stuck on auto repeat. The last thought I had before going to sleep was, I'm going to sleep now, and when I woke up that thought replayed over and over again in my mind.
The repeating seemed to be connected to my breathing cycle. As I exhaled I could play out a thought and as I inhaled the thought reset itself back to the beginning.
My vision moved in sequence with my repeating thoughts and breathing cycle.
To avoid getting stuck thinking that thought I had to make an effort to consciously remind and say to myself, I've taken Amanita Muscaria, I am tripping and attempted to walk round the house.
I found that by extending my exhale I was able to extend a thought longer before I inhaled again and that thought was reset back to the beginning.
I decided to do a walking meditation to stop the repetitive, I'm going to sleep now, thought that kept replaying. The walking meditation was great. I wobbled a bit as it was pitch black and my balance was off but it helped stop the repetitive verbal thoughts and helped me relax into the experience by concentrating on the physical feelings I was feeling, rather than replaying verbal thoughts.
Any thought I had would repeat non stop in cycle with my breath and spinning vision unless I made an effort to distract.
I eventually fell asleep again for a couple of hours.
When I woke up and started thinking of my experience replaying it in my mind I got uncomfortable as it felt like I was back in the trip again, so I had to decide not to think on it just yet and to go back to sleep. (Maybe I was still tripping).
After getting up the next time and trying to think on my experience, I remembered I had to extend my exhale in my trip in order to move forward. I've been practicing breath work to aid my mental health for some months now and I think the mushroom / trip was telling me i need to extend my exhale more in my everyday breath cycle.
The peak of my experience kicked in about 4 hours after my last mouthful of tea and lasted about 2 hours.
The next day I felt groggy and slightly sedated.

Re: 10g Amanita Muscara, 45 min simmer, with lemon and lime juice trip experience

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 9:35 am
by Shaman
Thank you for the report,
I've had similar experience with breath,
I think the mushroom helps us developing good breathing technique.

Another thing I want to comment on,
is your "looping" thoughts,
this is quite common with this mushroom, and in my opinion, its important to learn how to handle that.

Watch this video, as it explains how to handle amanita's loops: