Amazing spontaneous HEALING JOURNEY

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Amazing spontaneous HEALING JOURNEY

Post by BlueHermit21 » Sat Apr 23, 2022 6:59 pm

Update July 31, 2022
Amanita Pantherina

I was being NUDGED to try Amanita Pantherina - therefore I listened to that, as too many synchronicities were pointing towards it.
Fear not, they said, and I trusted that.

I am being guided, and this is nothing that is of anybody's business to interfere, because I am being led to things for a reason and this is my path to walk and experiment.
Therefore I am also experimenting with Mead making, a cheaper way to buying expensive alcohol, as a way to preserve Amanita, make tincture and the like - in case I can forage some, myself.

For this particular reason, I need a different approach to resolve trauma...:

Autistic catatonia happens (according to Amitta Shaw who worked with Lorna Wing, I read her book) when the autistic is OVERLY STRESSED and cannot escape the situation, thus my reasoning was, this is actually a pronounced state of FREEZE, aka shellshock as in CATATONIA -
Hybernation Mode, Shutdown, Freeze:

"I've tried Muscaria as well as Pantherina and found, that Pantherina works better for me.
If you're an amanita begginer probably start from Muscaria and find your connection with it, before moving to the stronger shroom.
Remember, this is not a product, that you use to get high! Instead, the daily microdosing helps with meditation, increases relaxation and lucid dreams as well as it grounds you to the earth.
There are many medical as well as personal reports indicating that effects of A. pantherina are deeper, more overhelming and shady.
General consent among Amanita users says that Panther cap is not recommended for beginners.
The answer to this Panther cap's dark legend is of course in chemistry.
The main psychoactive pair muscimol/ibotenic acid - GABA receptor antagonist - is common to both species, yet in A. pantherina the concentration may be several times higher, thus higher chance of partial decarboxylation in cases of improper preparation.
Moreover, there are two groups of substances present in A. pantherina..
First one are stizolobic and stizolobinic aminoacids which originate from DOPA and give excitatory dopaminergic action in nervous system. This may explain reports of excitation and hyperactivity followed by drowsiness.
The other group is aminothiopropanoic acids which are specific type of NMDA receptor anthagonists.
There is wide field of interest where NMDA receptors are involved and studied.
The most important is memory and learning as well as neuroplasticity of central nervous system in regard to such diseases as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's but also recovering from mechanical brain injures.
There is also large field of NMDA studies focused on symthoms of schizofrenia and psychotic disorders that gave hints of structural and dosage dependency of certain inhibitors in regard to evoke or reduce such episodes.The exact mechanism of this particular Amanita compounds' action on human nervous system is not fully recognized, but saying that we may suppose reports about psychotic-like states evoked by excessive overdosing of A. pantherina also true.

So Pantherina, the "shady" sister of Muscaria, is probably misunderstood in the light of accidental "poisonings" or "bad coocked" unpleasand entertaining-to-be "bad trips". She is so eager to be Berserker's dream, but if approached reasonably it is not something for brave ones and lionhearthed only.

Update in video format - June 12, 2022
Let Synchronicities GUIDE you, no matter where they nudge you towards, trust in that..

Drinking the Tea - Insights

Lost Parts Integration/SOUL RETRIEVAL
Kitten Analogy - Welcome them back, become WHOLE

Spontaneous FIRE RITUAL

Update from June 3, and 4, 2022
This is super interesting.
What about you??
When I drink πŸ„TEA this happens.

Synchronicity.. I am guided towards answers, in a visual way, I get images of ideas!!!
All VISUAL. And one thing after the other.
I share this here,
June 3rd.

Today I found, how it gives me deep insights and new perspectives, APPERCEPTION>
Video here:
I feel like operating from the behind of my head...
My Occipital lobe feels tingly
I start to feel rhythm even in Chinese Kalligraphy that hangs on my wall. Stuff like that. And I get deep insights
my comment just got deleted it seems, don’t know why??? I was just sharing my experience. Is that a β€œwrong” narrative???
The primary visual cortex receives sensory information from the retinas of the eyes, then transmits information relating to location, spatial data, motion, and the colors of objects in the field of vision
The occipital lobes transmit visual information to the temporal lobes, which aids in giving meaning to visual information, storing memories, and responding to external stimuli in the world.
An interesting phenomenon relating to the occipital lobes is called synaesthesia.
This is a perceptual experience some people have whereby specific events in one sensory modality induces experiences in another.
Below is a list of some of the associated functions of the occipital lobes:
Assessing size, depth, and distance Determining color information
Object recognition
Face recognition
Mapping the visual world

Below are a list of symptoms that may occur if an individual has experienced damage within their occipital lobe:
Difficulty locating objects
Changes in depth perception
Difficulties identifying colors
Difficulties in reading and writing
Inability to see color, orientation, and motion Synaesthesia
Difficulty recognising drawn objects

UPDATE On my healing journey with AMANITA MUSCARIA and a wee bit of panther on the side n=1
MAY 30,2022
Healing Trauma also means, defining who you truly are, underneath all the labeling "disordered", "flawed" narrative debris
Had an epiphany, putting it together finally, adding one thing to another, I got the WHOLE picture, so NOW I have CONTEXT to what "othering" feels like, when you experience it.
THIS IS what is called "othering" and I clearly reject that narrative. I am NOT flawed. I am just a human being, processing things differently.
RESURRECTING The Sense of AGENCY - I give full credit to the microdosing protcol
DISORDER NARRATIVE is INVALIDATING - Better Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime


Trauma Healing Happens, WHEN we Have ACCEPTED Ourselves The Way We ARE & have INTEGRATED All Parts
With Amanita Muscaria Tea Protocol you can work on these triggers.
And what happens is, that as your brain gets rewired, corrupted negative couplings no longer get activated, thus, same triggers no longer trigger you in the same way.

Quote Dr. Robert Scaer:
Triggering, or triggers or cues
Triggering of the trauma through either a conscious or unconscious memory. And many times it’s unconscious.
And the reason I say it’s a corruption of memory is that when one experiences the emergence of those memory patterns from an old trauma, it’s as if they’re real and in the present moment, like a flashback.
That’s a corruption of memory.
Suddenly your present moment is occupied by a past event that in fact is over.
The chemicals that go on in the body have to do with the
various neurotransmitters that trigger arousal and also trigger dissociation,
which is what we perceive when we’re in the freeze response as part of the
And the fight/flight/freeze response of course is critical in understanding trauma because it is a state that is replicated in many ways in all of the symptoms of trauma later on.

ChronicTrauma Triggers ... rs-flares/

UPDATE MAY 20, 2022
Amanita Muscaria Healed my Histamine Intolelarance and MCAS issues.
Wanted to wait, until Summer heat hit, to be sure about it, because summer heat used to give me flare ups.
This issue appears to be resolved, and I am still stunned...
see recent (unlisted) VIDEOs here

Healing Trauma can only be done in a PARASYMPATHETIC STATE

Not throwing the red healer out ever.

Healed my body, I could not walk upstairs, it would cause pain in the lower leg muscles.
As if somebody would squeeeeeze it, today I walked upstairs again.

but AM did the rest!! Haleluyah.
THE FIRST thing, THAT got healed, so totally unexpectedly, was the HISTAMINE INTOLERANCE, milld MCAS. I WAS DEPENDENT ON Diamine Oxydase, had to take 3 at least per day, to prevent symptoms like runny nos, rage, digestion issues, brain fog, fatigue as my body was producing histamine all the time.
During hormonal shifts I still got a migraine, 1-6 days and it could switch sides inbetween. with burning mouth syndrom, high estrogen just made symptoms worst.
From getting stressed I got migraines and muscular pain...
But since the haccidental hero dose (I had super microdosed before that...) when I listened to a Swedish friends, who told me to eat it..well I did, I cooked with meat, after soaking in cold water (did not throw away the water, but mixed in with the stew..
It was through and through but there was wisdom in that, I was definitely definitely guided to do it like that, and it truly healed my gut. omg.
And I am so grateful for that. This needed to happen the way it it..
Since then I have only worked with the tea, but occasionally als ate some mixed dried caps when I needed to up the dose..
This was my saviour. The solution I have been looking for. So much trauma has also been healed.

TOWER HIKE - EXERCISE INTOLERANCE, WHICH REALLY SUCKED, I could NOT do any exercise, I would feel exhausted, brainfogged, angry after doing just a bit of sweaty exercise, I got a migraine the next day and sometimes I got fibromyalgilike pain too - could never walk upstairs without taking a break in between, because the pain in my lower legs got so bad.Like somebody would squeeze my lower leg muscle with a turniquet or something - today I had the first time in years, just very light upper muscle exhaustion, the way it should be!!

Thank you so so so much πŸ„πŸ₯° I can't express, how grateful I am, I got my life back and AM is not finished yet, there is more trauma healing going on.
Seems healed as well omg that is gooooooood like the Histamine Intolerance/Mild MCAS & Burning Mouth. OMG!!!!! - woohoooo

In the "Indian spiritual" cult I was for 10 years, the fraud guru said, everyone who is not lame, should run the marathon at least once a I did. In the video there is an image of me, in the cult before the burnout in 2007 - I was in some seriously good shape. N
ot the fastest, but finished EVERY SINGLE MARATHON - I NEVER GAVE UP.
I ran marathons from 2002 until before the burnout in 2007.
You had to obey. So that is what I did.
Until I no longer could, as I had developed so called EXERCISE INTOLERANCE, which many people with autoimmune issues and histamine intolerance can have.

So my hope is indeed, that my body can take it again. Not ever running marathons again, nope nope nope, but mountain hikes and such, oh yeah.

#feedYourGutMicrobiomeRight #LactobazillusAndBifidusBacteriumNeededReleaseBvitamins

Part of organisms, that are ancestors of ours, they are still here.
Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed. - Barbara O'Neill

Had another epiphany. Why could I as a carnivore still be almost iron deficient? Well - when I had the histamine intolerance, I COULD NOT EAT MANY FOODS, ESPECIALLY THE FERMENTED ONES such as Yoghurt, and the non-carnivore ones (Sauerkraut, Sourdough) I did not eat anyway, because they made me so BLOATED and I got all the high histamine symptoms, NO FUN etc :
Lactobazillus And Bifidus Bacterium ARE However Needed To Release B vitamins - so of course, if you are low in Lactobazillus and Bifidus Bacterium, you will be low in B Vitamins.
Sugar, Caffeine, Tobacco, they will lead to further deficiency.
So, it is NOT about taking Probiotics, NO, you just have to feed the gut microbiome right.

Recently I started to eat yoghurt again, because I wanted to do β€œSOMAβ€πŸ„ as you know, so it was AM who led me into eating yoghurt 🀣nudging towards it, ha ha and daring to try.
And I feel SO GOOD now.... NOW finally I feel like body has healed up. Gut microbiome too.
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Last edited by BlueHermit21 on Sun Jul 31, 2022 11:51 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Happy Soaring
Ayani Oriel Pont
Blue Hermit Healing Art 21

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Re: Amazing spontaneous HEALING JOURNEY

Post by Arktos » Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:54 pm

Interesting. I have autoimmune disease since over 50 years and experience exercise fatigue and pain in body. I started on AM in December and I am still struggling how to take it. Right now I am experimenting with kind of Soma, made of kefir. Greatest effect is on the mental side so far. I feel less stressed and can suddenly at times enjoy life. I prefer a bit higher doses after I also accidentally overdosed greatly, boy, what a journey, not again! But it taught me a lesson and I left microdosing and keep it at lower end of macrodose.
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Arktos in my case refers to the bear, nothing else.

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Re: Amazing spontaneous HEALING JOURNEY

Post by BlueHermit21 » Fri Apr 29, 2022 10:48 am

That is a long time of having autoimmune issues. And exercise fatigue / intolerance, it sucks. But in my experience, it is the body telling you, it can't cope with that additional stress, all these people pushing exercise, that is basically shaming and gaslighting. SOME people DON'T profit but suffer, when they exercise.
And it takes listening to the body and acknowledging that.
Only now, I actually feel myself moving back into moving my body, because, NOW it can take a bit more. There is more tolerance to it.
Hope this will also be the case for you, improving quality of life overall, regardless if that includes exercise or not.
yes KEFIR is in itself something very powerful.
Ordered some cultures to try that next.

As for losing fear of macrodosing - I can so relate.
Boy of boy - that was something. But now I know where I don't want to go, and everything BELOW that is safe and I am not afraid of it, as there will not be any such reactions.
And again, I feel, if I did not go through this, I would still have the histamine intolerance.
It HAD to be that way.

That feeling less stressed is the best experience ever, and one moves into finally getting the things done, not shrink back in fear and sheer overwhelm of it...
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Happy Soaring
Ayani Oriel Pont
Blue Hermit Healing Art 21

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Re: Amazing spontaneous HEALING JOURNEY

Post by Arktos » Sat Apr 30, 2022 1:01 pm

@BlueHermit21 Yes, I was four when I got the illness. Life long struggle. And as you mention, there are many misconceptions about what is good for you. Even from experts of methods against pain. You are so right, listen to your body! I was glad that I had read about AM before I got that accidental trip. In spite of the extreme experience I was not afraid. I just noticed the effects and laughed about the situation. I went through the check list of twitches, blackouts, visual distortion, colour patterns, time distortion and repeated behaviour. I did not even manage to walk. But strangely enough, I felt clear in my head, I didn’t became an idiot. Also, I did not get any hallucinations. As you also noticed, this made me dare macrodosing. Thank you for sharing your experience. I can relate so much to it, and it feels good that others have experienced the same, not least about the exercise fatigue.
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Arktos in my case refers to the bear, nothing else.

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Re: Amazing spontaneous HEALING JOURNEY

Post by BlueHermit21 » Thu May 26, 2022 8:26 pm

Update: MAY 26, 2022
The AM πŸ„πŸ₯³πŸ₯° helps to dismantle wrong narratives I have about myself and draw boundaries to what is of no benefit to my wellbeing, thus I am on the road to recovery from trauma, an amazing journey of finding myself and removing the debris that has covered up my true Self for all these years.
As an autistic with Complex PTSD I can get very stressed out by DEMAND PRESSURE, and my amygdala can get super triggered. Therefore it is extremely important to find my own solutions, go at my own pace and give myself permission to be me.
Luckily I have come across some amazing ways to deal with trauma, and I've been at it ever since then....
and AMπŸ„ plays a BIIIIIG PART in this. πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

We Need to change the whole derogatory narrative on autism.
It tells only half of the story, the other half is conveniently under the rug swept, as it is perhaps quite upsetting for the norm to learn, than autistics are actually rather over-empathic, having insights that uncover the dishonesty of our cult-ure..
But Self advocacy ist crucial, Self-empowerment is important.
We need to give ourselves Permission, that we may NOT NEED ANY Therapy.
so it is up to us neurodivergent folks to find our own solutions that work.
The Autistic Experience as a WHOLE explained, not just the DSM disorder narrative Part
I feel that AMπŸ„gives you back the other half that got lost...
or you can re-connect and acknowledge THAT part, get out of the disorder narrative into seeing yourself in a different light...

Aim for Agency, Replace the Word Therapy with the Word Tools and Support, Autism Is NOT a Disorder
β€œWords can be like X-rays if they are used properly: they pass through everything”. Aldous Huxley ... -the-word/
And here the very good article
Alternative Forms of Therapeutic tools in ancient times to deal with anxiety, heal trauma and prevent PTSD from manifesting ... ent-celts/

quote=BlueHermit21 post_id=3727 time=1650740366 user_id=1065]
UPDATE MAY 20, 2022
Amanita Muscaria Healed my Histamine Intolelarance and MCAS issues.
Wanted to wait, until Summer heat hit, to be sure about it, because summer heat used to give me flare ups.
This issue appears to be resolved, and I am still stunned...
see recent (unlisted) VIDEOs here

Healing Trauma can only be done in a PARASYMPATHETIC STATE

Not throwing the red healer out ever.

Healed my body, I could not walk upstairs, it would cause pain in the lower leg muscles.
As if somebody would squeeeeeze it, today I walked upstairs again.

but AM did the rest!! Haleluyah.
THE FIRST thing, THAT got healed, so totally unexpectedly, was the HISTAMINE INTOLERANCE, milld MCAS. I WAS DEPENDENT ON Diamine Oxydase, had to take 3 at least per day, to prevent symptoms like runny nos, rage, digestion issues, brain fog, fatigue as my body was producing histamine all the time.
During hormonal shifts I still got a migraine, 1-6 days and it could switch sides inbetween. with burning mouth syndrom, high estrogen just made symptoms worst.
From getting stressed I got migraines and muscular pain...
But since the haccidental hero dose (I had super microdosed before that...) when I listened to a Swedish friends, who told me to eat it..well I did, I cooked with meat, after soaking in cold water (did not throw away the water, but mixed in with the stew..
It was through and through but there was wisdom in that, I was definitely definitely guided to do it like that, and it truly healed my gut. omg.
And I am so grateful for that. This needed to happen the way it it..
Since then I have only worked with the tea, but occasionally als ate some mixed dried caps when I needed to up the dose..
This was my saviour. The solution I have been looking for. So much trauma has also been healed.

TOWER HIKE - EXERCISE INTOLERANCE, WHICH REALLY SUCKED, I could NOT do any exercise, I would feel exhausted, brainfogged, angry after doing just a bit of sweaty exercise, I got a migraine the next day and sometimes I got fibromyalgilike pain too - could never walk upstairs without taking a break in between, because the pain in my lower legs got so bad.Like somebody would squeeze my lower leg muscle with a turniquet or something - today I had the first time in years, just very light upper muscle exhaustion, the way it should be!!

Thank you so so so much πŸ„πŸ₯° I can't express, how grateful I am, I got my life back and AM is not finished yet, there is more trauma healing going on.
Seems healed as well omg that is gooooooood like the Histamine Intolerance/Mild MCAS & Burning Mouth. OMG!!!!! - woohoooo

In the "Indian spiritual" cult I was for 10 years, the fraud guru said, everyone who is not lame, should run the marathon at least once a I did. In the video there is an image of me, in the cult before the burnout in 2007 - I was in some seriously good shape. N
ot the fastest, but finished EVERY SINGLE MARATHON - I NEVER GAVE UP.
I ran marathons from 2002 until before the burnout in 2007.
You had to obey. So that is what I did.
Until I no longer could, as I had developed so called EXERCISE INTOLERANCE, which many people with autoimmune issues and histamine intolerance can have.

So my hope is indeed, that my body can take it again. Not ever running marathons again, nope nope nope, but mountain hikes and such, oh yeah.

#feedYourGutMicrobiomeRight #LactobazillusAndBifidusBacteriumNeededReleaseBvitamins

Part of organisms, that are ancestors of ours, they are still here.
Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed. - Barbara O'Neill

Had another epiphany. Why could I as a carnivore still be almost iron deficient? Well - when I had the histamine intolerance, I COULD NOT EAT MANY FOODS, ESPECIALLY THE FERMENTED ONES such as Yoghurt, and the non-carnivore ones (Sauerkraut, Sourdough) I did not eat anyway, because they made me so BLOATED and I got all the high histamine symptoms, NO FUN etc :
Lactobazillus And Bifidus Bacterium ARE However Needed To Release B vitamins - so of course, if you are low in Lactobazillus and Bifidus Bacterium, you will be low in B Vitamins.
Sugar, Caffeine, Tobacco, they will lead to further deficiency.
So, it is NOT about taking Probiotics, NO, you just have to feed the gut microbiome right.

Recently I started to eat yoghurt again, because I wanted to do β€œSOMAβ€πŸ„ as you know, so it was AM who led me into eating yoghurt 🀣nudging towards it, ha ha and daring to try.
And I feel SO GOOD now.... NOW finally I feel like body has healed up. Gut microbiome too.
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Happy Soaring
Ayani Oriel Pont
Blue Hermit Healing Art 21

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Re: Amazing spontaneous HEALING JOURNEY

Post by BlueHermit21 » Wed Jun 01, 2022 2:57 pm

Update June 1, 2022
#parasympatheticState #neurodivergencewithoutanxiety
The GREAT POTENTIAL of The Red Healer for Neurdiverse folks.
I see this huge potential of πŸ„, to help us neurodivergent folks to truly stand up for ourselves, (and defend our value to society) in a backseat manner (when one does NOT get triggered into fight flight...or freeze - which is the the side of the same coin)

UPDATE On my healing journey with AMANITA MUSCARIA and a wee bit of panther on the side n=1
MAY 30,2022
Healing Trauma also means, defining who you truly are, underneath all the labeling "disordered", "flawed" narrative debris
Had an epiphany, putting it together finally, adding one thing to another, I got the WHOLE picture, so NOW I have CONTEXT to what "othering" feels like, when you experience it.
THIS IS what is called "othering" and I clearly reject that narrative. I am NOT flawed. I am just a human being, processing things differently.
RESURRECTING The Sense of AGENCY - I give full credit to the microdosing protcol
DISORDER NARRATIVE is INVALIDATING - Better Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime


Trauma Healing Happens, WHEN we Have ACCEPTED Ourselves The Way We ARE & have INTEGRATED All Parts
With Amanita Muscaria Tea Protocol you can work on these triggers.
And what happens is, that as your brain gets rewired, corrupted negative couplings no longer get activated, thus, same triggers no longer trigger you in the same way.

Quote Dr. Robert Scaer:
Triggering, or triggers or cues
Triggering of the trauma through either a conscious or unconscious memory. And many times it’s unconscious.
And the reason I say it’s a corruption of memory is that when one experiences the emergence of those memory patterns from an old trauma, it’s as if they’re real and in the present moment, like a flashback.
That’s a corruption of memory.
Suddenly your present moment is occupied by a past event that in fact is over.
The chemicals that go on in the body have to do with the
various neurotransmitters that trigger arousal and also trigger dissociation,
which is what we perceive when we’re in the freeze response as part of the
And the fight/flight/freeze response of course is critical in understanding trauma because it is a state that is replicated in many ways in all of the symptoms of trauma later on.

ChronicTrauma Triggers ... rs-flares/

UPDATE MAY 20, 2022
Amanita Muscaria Healed my Histamine Intolelarance and MCAS issues.
Wanted to wait, until Summer heat hit, to be sure about it, because summer heat used to give me flare ups.
This issue appears to be resolved, and I am still stunned...
see recent (unlisted) VIDEOs here

Healing Trauma can only be done in a PARASYMPATHETIC STATE

Not throwing the red healer out ever.

Healed my body, I could not walk upstairs, it would cause pain in the lower leg muscles.
As if somebody would squeeeeeze it, today I walked upstairs again.

but AM did the rest!! Haleluyah.
THE FIRST thing, THAT got healed, so totally unexpectedly, was the HISTAMINE INTOLERANCE, milld MCAS. I WAS DEPENDENT ON Diamine Oxydase, had to take 3 at least per day, to prevent symptoms like runny nos, rage, digestion issues, brain fog, fatigue as my body was producing histamine all the time.
During hormonal shifts I still got a migraine, 1-6 days and it could switch sides inbetween. with burning mouth syndrom, high estrogen just made symptoms worst.
From getting stressed I got migraines and muscular pain...
But since the haccidental hero dose (I had super microdosed before that...) when I listened to a Swedish friends, who told me to eat it..well I did, I cooked with meat, after soaking in cold water (did not throw away the water, but mixed in with the stew..
It was through and through but there was wisdom in that, I was definitely definitely guided to do it like that, and it truly healed my gut. omg.
And I am so grateful for that. This needed to happen the way it it..
Since then I have only worked with the tea, but occasionally als ate some mixed dried caps when I needed to up the dose..
This was my saviour. The solution I have been looking for. So much trauma has also been healed.

TOWER HIKE - EXERCISE INTOLERANCE, WHICH REALLY SUCKED, I could NOT do any exercise, I would feel exhausted, brainfogged, angry after doing just a bit of sweaty exercise, I got a migraine the next day and sometimes I got fibromyalgilike pain too - could never walk upstairs without taking a break in between, because the pain in my lower legs got so bad.Like somebody would squeeze my lower leg muscle with a turniquet or something - today I had the first time in years, just very light upper muscle exhaustion, the way it should be!!

Thank you so so so much πŸ„πŸ₯° I can't express, how grateful I am, I got my life back and AM is not finished yet, there is more trauma healing going on.
Seems healed as well omg that is gooooooood like the Histamine Intolerance/Mild MCAS & Burning Mouth. OMG!!!!! - woohoooo

In the "Indian spiritual" cult I was for 10 years, the fraud guru said, everyone who is not lame, should run the marathon at least once a I did. In the video there is an image of me, in the cult before the burnout in 2007 - I was in some seriously good shape. N
ot the fastest, but finished EVERY SINGLE MARATHON - I NEVER GAVE UP.
I ran marathons from 2002 until before the burnout in 2007.
You had to obey. So that is what I did.
Until I no longer could, as I had developed so called EXERCISE INTOLERANCE, which many people with autoimmune issues and histamine intolerance can have.

So my hope is indeed, that my body can take it again. Not ever running marathons again, nope nope nope, but mountain hikes and such, oh yeah.

#feedYourGutMicrobiomeRight #LactobazillusAndBifidusBacteriumNeededReleaseBvitamins

Part of organisms, that are ancestors of ours, they are still here.
Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed. - Barbara O'Neill

Had another epiphany. Why could I as a carnivore still be almost iron deficient? Well - when I had the histamine intolerance, I COULD NOT EAT MANY FOODS, ESPECIALLY THE FERMENTED ONES such as Yoghurt, and the non-carnivore ones (Sauerkraut, Sourdough) I did not eat anyway, because they made me so BLOATED and I got all the high histamine symptoms, NO FUN etc :
Lactobazillus And Bifidus Bacterium ARE However Needed To Release B vitamins - so of course, if you are low in Lactobazillus and Bifidus Bacterium, you will be low in B Vitamins.
Sugar, Caffeine, Tobacco, they will lead to further deficiency.
So, it is NOT about taking Probiotics, NO, you just have to feed the gut microbiome right.

Recently I started to eat yoghurt again, because I wanted to do β€œSOMAβ€πŸ„ as you know, so it was AM who led me into eating yoghurt 🀣nudging towards it, ha ha and daring to try.
And I feel SO GOOD now.... NOW finally I feel like body has healed up. Gut microbiome too.
Happy Soaring
Ayani Oriel Pont
Blue Hermit Healing Art 21

Posts: 62
Joined: Fri Dec 10, 2021 3:48 pm
Has thanked: 68 times
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Re: Amazing spontaneous HEALING JOURNEY

Post by Arktos » Sun Jun 05, 2022 10:08 pm

I think I also am a bit autistic, in addition to PTSD, chronic pain, visual impairement and autoimmune disease. I now got pension because of my illness, and that is a great relief. I am not as elaborate as you, but Amanita makes me speak my will. It is both great and chocking, the latter most because I now hurt people that are bad for me, but it is necessary right now in order to heal. It also disrupts the negative thinking about myself and I regain my self.
Arktos in my case refers to the bear, nothing else.

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Re: Amazing spontaneous HEALING JOURNEY

Post by Arktos » Tue Jun 07, 2022 7:34 pm

I am currently going through a book by van der Kolk: The body keeps the score.
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Arktos in my case refers to the bear, nothing else.

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Re: Amazing spontaneous HEALING JOURNEY

Post by BlueHermit21 » Sun Jun 12, 2022 10:27 pm

@Arktos Awesome book! :)
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Re: Amazing spontaneous HEALING JOURNEY

Post by Arktos » Wed Jun 15, 2022 10:35 am

I think that if autoimmune disease is mentally induced, it can be healed by therapy and Amanita. If autoimmune disease is physical, it can not.
Arktos in my case refers to the bear, nothing else.

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