AM combos to reduce or completely remove nausea

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AM combos to reduce or completely remove nausea

Post by T36 » Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:03 pm

Hi everyone) so i recently discovered for my self a few substances that combat the nauseating effects of AM. I want to share my find and ask if anyone maybe already had experience with those combos or knows something i dont...

First combo is Datura Stramonium seeds!

Total alkaloid content: 0.1-0.7% tropane alkaloids. The average seed contains 0.3%.
Seed weight: approximately 8 mg.
Active alkaloids: hyoscyamine (approximately 80%), scopolamine (approximately 19%) with traces of atropine
Average alkaloid content per seed: approximately 25 micrograms of tropane alkaloids.
Typical safe dosage range: 1-10 seeds is preferred with 26 seeds being the absolute maximum safe dosage
Hyoscyamine is an antagonist of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (antimuscarinic).

Second combo is 1,4-butanediol!

This one is my favorite because just 2ml of diluted BDO 30% and 70% water turns of nausea completely even for huge doses of AM or if your stomach is not empty. And it doesnt seem to weaken the experience like Datura seeds do by slowing the digestion system...i even think it may enhance the experience because of the interaction with GABA...
Ive only did this combo a few times, and didnt have the breakthrough, but i was really close. Ive run out 1,4 BDO now, but will get more on this weekend and resume my experimentations)))

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Re: AM combos to reduce or completely remove nausea

Post by UrsusSapiens » Fri Oct 25, 2019 8:57 am

Datura is a tricky stuff.... In fact all solanaceae functions in an antagonistic way to AM, so I see 2 possible hick-ups there. The narrow "Therapeutic" bandwith of datura in conjunction with the antagonism to AM.... Datura seems to me the least desirable option in this quest for reduced nausea.
1,4-butanediol is a GBH precursor and in some jurisdictions illegal or at least heavily regulated.... Don't know, if I want to go through all that hassle, to get rid of the nausea, if I can achieve my goal otherwise... :roll:

In my experience CBD cannabis (yeah, that's cannabis light (tm) :D ;) ) does the same trick, ginger (tea or capsules) as well, or - even more simply - consume AM on an empty stomach. I did so, and so far, I had never to deal with nausea. AM is a fungus, i.e. a decomposing life form. It can and WILL compete with your intestine's biosphere, if you provide it with food - which causes the nausea.
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Re: AM combos to reduce or completely remove nausea

Post by Marv » Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:05 pm

Cool, thanks !

I would add cannabis to the list.
I have never experienced nausea from AM combined with a few puffs of marijuana when the effects start to kick in. I have tried doses from 0,5g to 32g and the combo always worked, I've never experienced nausea.
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Re: AM combos to reduce or completely remove nausea

Post by T36 » Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:29 pm

U guys are lucky!!! Tnx 4 tha replays)))
But CBD / THC weed does the opposed to me) my tolerance is high!?.
ive been with AM for 4 years now and the nausea is only getting stronger(((
32 grams in one go!? is an insane dose for me) my first year breakthrough dose was 7 grams!.! 2nd was 20 in 2 doses.... i pick my mushrooms from the same forrest each year....

Vomiting is and always was the biggest problem with AM not just for me...

And yeah butyrates ILLEGAL in most civilized country's!!!
Datura in higher doses is just insane! In a really bad way i guess😅 full-blown trip can persuade u to grab that chainsaw...
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Re: AM combos to reduce or completely remove nausea

Post by UrsusSapiens » Sat Oct 26, 2019 7:40 am

my first year breakthrough dose was 7 grams!.! 2nd was 20 in 2 doses.... i pick my mushrooms from the same forrest each year....
Well, this example shows, what I actually was trying to say: AM has a broooaaaad range in terms of concentration of the active components. No matter where you pick them. Even one and the same mushroom CAP can have a different distribution of active compounds (the first bite you take is poor in content, the second bite delivers really). So, our first goal (especially if a newbie reads our discussion here) is, to employ safer use practices. So please don't think I wrote my answer just to put you and your opinion off.... If you suffer, after 4 years, still from this extreme reaction, then you should receive our support.
Datura in higher doses is just insane! In a really bad way i guess😅 full-blown trip can persuade u to grab that chainsaw...

Completely right.... And chainsawing on Datura should be avoided ;) But like I said: even in seeds are the contents of the alkaloids pretty divers. Even if you DON'T grab your chainsaw (or any other metallic pointy thingy) it could work adversely against the AM.....

I really recommend the ginger method, combined with an empty stomach... But perhaps you have a more sincere stomach problem. Stress -in any form- often produces functional dyspepsia and a highly irritable stomach. Perhaps is this an aspect you want to look into.

Or to put it another way: how do you take your AM usually? Dried? Do you make an extract? Perhaps a change of ingestion method could smooth your nausea out?
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Re: AM combos to reduce or completely remove nausea

Post by T36 » Sat Oct 26, 2019 9:15 am

Yeah i dry em in a homemade dehydrator) on the low heat at about 40c for 12 hours. Then i powder em and put that powder on direct sunlight for a day. Then i move the powder on a plate near my fireplace where the temp goes up to 65c, the plate stays there for a day or two. Then i put the powder in a plastic bag and the bag in a mason jar...

I consume the powder on empty stomach by mixing 3 to 5 grams in 25ml of water and drinking it in one go...
I also made the Sears milk, simple tea, and the lemon tec. there was less nausea but the experiences we're weak...

The nausea usually hits me hard on the 1 hour mark, and can last anywhere from 3 mins to 30 mins.

Sometimes i consume the mushroom fresh but only the small caps.

Oh and i must say that i get almost no nausea from other psychedelics like psilocybin/morning glory LSA/nutmeg etc...

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Re: AM combos to reduce or completely remove nausea

Post by UrsusSapiens » Sat Oct 26, 2019 3:45 pm

Oh and i must say that i get almost no nausea from other psychedelics like psilocybin/morning glory LSA/nutmeg etc...
Obviously your stomach works totally different than mine ;) 1cP-LSD gave me nausea and shivers, psilo sceloratias made me yawn in technicolor.... :roll:

But do I understand you correctly, that you always came up with nausea, IF you ingested the fungus bio mass? If so, there is probably a solution (pun intended) for you....
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Re: AM combos to reduce or completely remove nausea

Post by Marv » Sat Oct 26, 2019 6:11 pm

No the 32g were divided in three doses over a day in combination with liberty caps.

And why not trying to cook the mushroom prior to ingest ? Like make a tea, drink the liquid and eat the flesh or rehydrate it then cook it in a pan with a little bit of butter or oil...
You look a bit more experienced than me, maybe you already tried this. If it's the case do you notice a difference in strength when cooked ?

Effectively datura seeds are pretty dangerous and hard to dose. I often read people who use a number of seeds to stop the nausea caused by some psychedelic substances and I believe those persons never got caught by this plant because if so they would not use it as a "technical tool" to reduce the nausea.

Take this as a disclaimer :

I have used datura in different ways. I have consumed the seeds, the flowers and the leaves. When I used to eat the seeds I could eat more than fifty seeds per night every night during more than two weeks.
I've had the most powerful experience with TWO fresh seeds. With this quantity I was not able to function in this world anymore !
I will not make a trip report but just say as an interesting info that it is possible to breakthrough with two seeds of datura stramonium and feel almost nothing from 50 seeds of the same batch collected on the SAME PLANT ! Take care it is a powerful unpredictable medicine.
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Re: AM combos to reduce or completely remove nausea

Post by T36 » Sun Oct 27, 2019 10:49 am

Nope, 2.5 grams gives me no nausea.

Yeah i grilled/fried/boiled them... cooking only makes the nausea stronger, i just cant keep em in me...

And yeah i got caught by Datura! 3.5 grams in 2 doses, she made me believe that i pissed off some1 and that they want to raid my house! I could see them driving up to my garden and gathering up in groups to make plans and shit...
Im tripping right now so i dont want to write atrip report w...
But i also had amazing dreamy trips with datura... seeing with closed eye's ...alternative realities that you can change at will

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Re: AM combos to reduce or completely remove nausea

Post by Marv » Mon Oct 28, 2019 8:39 pm

This is very subjective and you can take it as you want :
I always talk to the plants I take to ask them if I am allowed to take them, how I have to prepare the medicine, in which proportions, etc.
With amanita I always have the very strong intuition that it is necessary to eat a bit of sugar with it to protect the stomach from some harm that could be caused by its consumption. The first time I had this intuition it surprised me, now I kinda understand it even if I have absolutely no information that could confirm it.
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